Since I
started sending papers to peer-reviewed journals, over 13 years ago (time
flies!), many changes to the way we disseminate and publish the results of our
research have taken place. Together with the rise of Open Access journals, an
important change in scientific publishing is the incorporation of supplementary
materials that only appear in the webpage of the journal (SOM hereafter). Such
materials include, but are not limited to, additional data, references, software
code, videos, maps, pictures, statistical results and details on the methods
employed in the article. The use of SOM is nowadays very common in virtually
all Ecology/Biology/Multidisciplinary journals, and have becoming increasingly
important through time, up the degree that some journals (e.g. Science) directly place the methods of
the article as part of the SOM, and in the case of articles published in many other
journals, such as Nature, PNAS or Ecology Letters, a careful reading to the SOM is needed in most
cases to fully understand what the authors did, and to properly interpret the
statistical analyses employed and the results presented in the main text. The
SOM are also of paramount importance in the case of quantitative reviews and
meta-analyses, as it is typically there where the authors put the raw data
and/or the original references where these data come from can be found.
possibility of using SOM is certainly a welcome innovation in the publishing
world, as SOM can greatly enhance the content of published papers while
alleviating the pressure on the limited number of pages that most journals can
publish every year (online-only journals such as PLoS ONE can circumvent page limitations, but even articles
published in these journals commonly use SOM, see a couple of examples from our
own research here
and here).
Journals are actively encourage the (judicious) use of the SOM as a way to
reduce the number of pages per published article (Ecology is a clear example of this, see its instructions for the
authors) or to enhance the content of the article itself (Methods in
Ecology and Evolution is doing this very well), and hence it seems that
the importance of SOM will continue growing in the future. Despite its clear
advantages, the generalization of SOM has also some downsides that have not
been fully acknowledged from my point of view, and that could be easily solved
if we give the materials included in the SOM the importance they deserve.
The first
issue with the SOM I would like to discuss concerns its use in quantitative
reviews and meta-analyses, a topic that has received lots of attention recently
in the social media (check here
for a summary of a recent interesting discussion in twitter about authorship in
meta-analyses that is relevant to the topic of this post). I just would like to
highlight a problem already raised by different ecologists so far: the lack of recognitions (in terms of
citations) of the articles included in the SOM, which are also the “core” of a
quantitative review/meta-analysis. Our work is being evaluated by multiple
ways, being the number of citations an important metric for measuring its
impact among the scientific community. If our work is used in subsequent
reviews, something that I particularly welcome, but the citations appear in the
SOM rather than in the main text, then is not taken in consideration by
citation aggregators such as Google Scholar or the ISI Web of Science. This is
certainly unfair to the authors that collected the original data, and can at
the mid to long-term make less attractive to gather primary data than synthesizing
them. This problem, however, has an easy solution, which is to count all
references of published articles, both in the main text and in the SOM. Jarret Byrnes has put forward an open
letter to ask for this, if you think it is a good idea to do so you can sign
the letter here
(I would advice to do so, I have already signed it!).
The second
problem I would like to highlight is related to my own publishing experience.
Over the last years I had different papers rejected because the referees asked
for particular analyses (or criticized the lack of these analyses),
methodological details or data that were included in the SOM and were properly
cited throughout the main text as appropriate. Many journals no longer give the
opportunity to revising a manuscript unless all the reviewers (or most of them)
really support it, and it is certainly discouraging when this apparent lack of
information/data/analyses are used to justify a rejection. This gives me the
impression that editors and reviewers do not read the SOM with the same care
they read the main text. This view is reinforced by some recent changes in the
policy of journals such as Nature, which now
allows to include all the methodological details that used to be part of the
SOM in a full Methods section that appear at the end of the pdf version of the
paper, while a summary of this section appear in the printed version of the
journal. I am afraid that this may relate to the fact that the methodological
details present in the SOM of many papers are not carefully revised during the
review process, and this has lead to a lack of reproducibility of some
published work. Fortunately this problem has an easy solution: if SOM are an integral part of most papers
published nowadays, and we must use them because the space limitations imposed
by many journals, then they should be carefully assessed during the review
process! This is what I do when I am reviewing/editing a manuscript, and I
would certainly like to see my peers doing the same. Of course, we can always
publish in journals that do not put limits in the number of pages per article,
and include then all the (detailed) information as part of the main text, but
given that these journals are still (and will be for some years I guess) a
(growing) minority, we must give the SOM the importance they deserve!
Please comment if you have similar experiences
or identify any additional problems/solutions to the issues discussed above.
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